Tuesday, October 5, 2010


          Kashmir Institute of National Development (KIND) as the name implies has a mission to mobilize the nation to develop its own capabilities and to shoulder its own responsibilities for a life of honour and dignity – a life full of their social welfare, progress and prosperity through human development and through active participation in the national development initiatives.

          Human development comes through knowledge, change of attitudes and adoption of good humanitarian values. Knowledge is acquaintance with facts, truths or principles, as from study or investigation. KIND is launching this project, “Right Path” to develop the knowledge base of the people and hence the nation. This is first step and its results will be discussed by inviting comments and clarifications to arrive at a right path. The second step will endeavour a change in attitudes by inviting people to practice and inform us of their experiences. The third step is the culmination of our effort. We will gauge the habit formation of practicing good humanitarian values and determine the impact of our initiative. It will give us idea if our nation is responsive or non-responsive, receptive or non-receptive and/or amenable or non-amenable.

          In order to take the first step, we invite you all to:
i.                   Suggest a topic: Example:
a.     One Allah is better than many Illahs
b.     A Muslim’s strength lies in obedience to Allah
c.      Aid (includes loan, grant or assistance) and self reliance,
ii.                 Reasons of selecting the topic
iii.              Relevance of topic to our nation
iv.                Expected outcome if practices

This activity has been conceived to provide an opportunity to thinking minds of the humanity. They can contribute to bring change through dialogue. We shall assess the quality of change

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